florida constitutional amendments 2022

COUNTIES; COUNTY SEATS; MUNICIPALITIES; DISTRICTS. s. 373.503(2)(b), F.S. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. State bonds pledging the full faith and credit of the state may be issued, without a vote of the electors, by the state board pursuant to law to finance or refinance capital projects theretofore authorized by the legislature, and any purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto, for the state system of public education provided for in Section 1 of Article IX of this Constitution (hereinafter referred to as state system), including but not limited to institutions of higher learning, community colleges, vocational technical schools, or public schools, as now defined or as may hereafter be defined by law. All such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates shall be issued in the name of the state board of education but shall be issued for and on behalf of the county board of public instruction requesting the issuance thereof, and no election or approval of qualified electors or freeholders shall be required for the issuance thereof. 52-D, 1971; adopted 1972; Am. DELETION OF OBSOLETE SCHEDULE ITEMS. Proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State July 16, 2001; adopted 2002; Am. All elected public officers and candidates for such offices shall file full and public disclosure of their campaign finances. This exemption may be granted only by ordinance of the county or municipality. Private property taken by eminent domain pursuant to a petition to initiate condemnation proceedings filed on or after January 2, 2007, may not be conveyed to a natural person or private entity except as provided by general law passed by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house of the Legislature. Such character or use assessment shall apply only to the jurisdiction adopting the ordinance. For the purposes of this section, purchase means the transfer of money or other valuable consideration to the retailer, and handgun means a firearm capable of being carried and used by one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. 951, 2001; adopted 2002. Assessment of working waterfront property. Within thirty days before the convening of the 2017 regular session of the legislature, and each twentieth year thereafter, there shall be established a constitution revision commission composed of the following thirty-seven members: fifteen members selected by the governor; nine members selected by the speaker of the house of representatives and nine members selected by the president of the senate; and. S.J.R. (3)After all payments required in such fiscal year for the purposes provided for in (1) and (2) above, including any deficiencies for required payments in prior fiscal years, any moneys remaining in said Capital Outlay Fund at the end of such fiscal year may be used by the State Board for direct payment of the cost or any part of the cost of any capital outlay project theretofore authorized by the legislature or for the purchase of any bonds or certificates issued hereunder then outstanding upon such terms and conditions as the State Board shall deem proper, or for the prior redemption of outstanding bonds or certificates in accordance with the provisions of the proceedings which authorized the issuance of such bonds or certificates. . proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. H.J.R. Am. The Legislature shall not limit or deny the privacy right guaranteed to a minor under the United States Constitution as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court. The indexes appearing at the beginning of each article, notes appearing at the end of various sections, and section and subsection headings are added editorially and are not to be considered as part of the constitution. The offices of Clerk of the Circuit Court and Sheriff shall not be abolished but the Legislature may prescribe the time when, and the method by which, such offices shall be filled and the compensation to be paid to such officers and may vest in them additional powers and duties. More: League of Women Voters review of 2022 proposed amendments. 2144, 2005; adopted 2006. Proposed by Taxation and Budget Reform Commission, Revision No. for H.J.R. for S.J.R. Notwithstanding Article X, Section 12(d) of this constitution, no new State tax or fee shall be imposed on or after November 8, 1994 by any amendment to this constitution unless the proposed amendment is approved by not fewer than two-thirds of the voters voting in the election in which such proposed amendment is considered. Proposed by Taxation and Budget Reform Commission, Revision Nos. 13, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998; Am. The word bonds as used herein shall include bonds, time warrants, notes and other forms of indebtedness issued for road and bridge purposes by any county or special road and bridge district or other special taxing district, outstanding on July 1st, 1931, or any refunding issues thereof. Judges of the following courts, if their terms do not expire in 1973 and if they are eligible under subsection (d)(8) hereof, shall become additional judges of the circuit court for each of the counties of their respective circuits, and shall serve as such circuit judges for the remainder of the terms to which they were elected and shall be eligible for election as circuit judges thereafter. 3 of the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission, 2008. The power of removal conferred by this section shall be both alternative and cumulative to the power of impeachment. The State Board shall have power at the time of issuance of any bonds by any Board of Public Instruction to covenant and agree with such Board as to the rank and priority of payments to be made for different issues of bonds under this Subsection (3), and may further agree that any amounts to be distributed under this Subsection (3) may be pledged for the debt service on bonds issued by any Board of Public Instruction and for the rank and priority of such pledge. A general election shall be held in each county on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year to choose a successor to each elective state and county officer whose term will expire before the next general election and, except as provided herein, to fill each vacancy in elective office for the unexpired portion of the term. The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. LENGTH OF SESSIONS. The State Board may invest the moneys in said Capital Outlay Fund or in any sinking fund or other funds created for any issue of bonds or certificates, in direct obligations of the United States of America or in the other securities referred to in Section 344.27, Florida Statutes. (8)The board of county commissioners of Hillsborough county shall be abolished when the functions, duties, powers and responsibilities of said board shall be transferred in the manner to be provided by the charter to the government established pursuant to this section. NATURAL PERSONS. The commission shall be entitled to recover the costs of investigation and prosecution, in addition to any penalty levied by the supreme court. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. The board of county commissioners of a county not operating under a charter may enact, in a manner prescribed by general law, county ordinances not inconsistent with general or special law, but an ordinance in conflict with a municipal ordinance shall not be effective within the municipality to the extent of such conflict. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, or be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, or be compelled in any criminal matter to be a witness against oneself. This section shall not be construed to limit the publics right of access to public records and meetings as provided by law. Of the membership means of all members thereof.. Additional ad valorem exemption for persons age sixty-five or older. Such notice shall not be necessary when the law, except the provision for referendum, is conditioned to become effective only upon approval by vote of the electors of the area affected. Any such law shall not contain provisions on any other subject. If the supreme court finds that a need exists for increasing or decreasing the number of judges or increasing, decreasing or redefining appellate districts and judicial circuits, it shall, prior to the next regular session of the legislature, certify to the legislature its findings and recommendations concerning such need. Any state bonds pledging the full faith and credit of the state issued under this section or any other section of this constitution may be combined for the purposes of sale. The offices of Clerk of the Circuit Court and Sheriff shall not be abolished but the Legislature may prescribe the time when, and the method by which, such offices shall be filled and the compensation to be paid to such officers and may vest in them additional powers and duties. After December 31, 2020, a person authorized to conduct gaming or pari-mutuel operations may not race greyhounds or any member of the. Herein refers to the entire constitution. The amendment to Section 3 of Article VII requiring the creation of an ad valorem tax exemption for real property dedicated in perpetuity for conservation purposes, and the amendment to Section 4 of Article VII requiring land used for conservation purposes to be classified by general law and assessed solely on the basis of character or use for purposes of ad valorem taxation, shall take effect upon approval by the electors and shall be implemented by January 1, 2010. B. Proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State July 29, 1976; adopted 1976; Ams. 7, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998. The appointed members shall be confirmed by the senate and serve staggered terms of seven years as provided by law. See also: Amending the Florida Constitution. English is the official language of Florida. Web2022 FLORIDA AMENDMENT GUIDE | 1 CONTENTS Outline of Floridas Constitutional Amendments . Statutes, Video Broadcast The term victim includes the victims lawful representative, the parent or guardian of a minor, or the next of kin of a homicide victim, except upon a showing that the interest of such individual would be in actual or potential conflict with the interests of the victim. Until formal charges against a justice or judge are filed by the investigative panel with the clerk of the supreme court of Florida all proceedings by or before the commission shall be confidential; provided, however, upon a finding of probable cause and the filing by the investigative panel with said clerk of such formal charges against a justice or judge such charges and all further proceedings before the commission shall be public. 429, 1935; adopted 1936. By general law and subject to conditions specified therein: Twenty-five thousand dollars of the assessed value of property subject to tangible personal property tax shall be exempt from ad valorem taxation. All property owned by a municipality and used exclusively by it for municipal or public purposes shall be exempt from taxation. All other details of such bonds shall be as provided by law or by the proceedings authorizing such bonds; provided, however, that no bonds, except refunding bonds, shall be issued, and no proceeds shall be expended for the cost of any capital project, unless such project has been authorized by the legislature. Am. 290, 1988; adopted 1988; Am. The Legislature may tax slot machine revenues, and any such taxes must supplement public education funding statewide. The local governmental agencies may pledge the revenues derived from such leased facilities or any other available funds for the payment of rentals thereunder; and, in addition, the full faith and credit and taxing power of such local governmental agencies may be pledged for the payment of such rentals without any election of freeholder electors or qualified electors. If the office is abolished the incumbent shall be paid adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, for the loss of emoluments for the remainder of the term. The terms crime and criminal include delinquent acts and conduct. There shall be one or more judges for each county court as prescribed by general law. For an amendment to pass the ballot, it must get 60% approval from the This Florida TaxWatch Voter Guide is designed to provide Florida voters with 5, proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State September 28, 2007, and adopted in 2010, were designated (1)-(3); the editors redesignated them as (a)-(c) to conform to the format of the State Constitution. After each decennial census the board of county commissioners shall divide the county into districts of contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as practicable. When recusals for cause would prohibit the court from convening because of the requirements of this section, judges assigned to temporary duty may be substituted for justices. On the effective date of this revision the county superintendent of public instruction of each county shall become and, for the remainder of the term being served, shall be the superintendent of schools of that district. Proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State July 20, 2005; adopted 2006. 7, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998. If any subsection or subsections of the amendment to the Florida Constitution are held unconstitutional for containing more than one subject, this amendment shall be limited to subsection (a) above. The election of county court judges shall be preserved notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) unless a majority of those voting in the jurisdiction of that county approves a local option to select county judges by merit selection and retention rather than by election. COUNTY OFFICERS. Am. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. WPTV NewsChannel 5 anchor Tania Rogers breaks down each of Florida's three Marinas and drystacks that are open to the public. The legislature shall provide criteria for withdrawing funds from the budget stabilization fund in a separate bill for that purpose only and only for the purpose of covering revenue shortfalls of the general revenue fund or for the purpose of providing funding for an emergency, as defined by general law. shall revert to that in existence on December 31, 2017, except that any amendments to such text otherwise adopted shall be preserved and continue to operate to the extent that such amendments are not dependent upon the portions of text which expire pursuant to this section. Effective December 31, 2037, s. 3(e), Art. The legislature may provide for the continuing existence of any charter commission or may establish a charter commission or commissions subsequent to any initial commission without regard to any election or elections held upon any charter or charters theretofore presented. May review any decision of a district court of appeal that passes upon a question certified by it to be of great public importance, or that is certified by it to be in direct conflict with a decision of another district court of appeal. To the extent necessary to dispose of all issues in a cause properly before it, a district court of appeal may exercise any of the appellate jurisdiction of the circuit courts. This section, originally designated section 22 by Revision No. A physician shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida law solely for issuing a physician certification with reasonable care to a person diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition in compliance with this section. The rules of procedure of each house shall provide that all legislative committee and subcommittee meetings of each house, and joint conference committee meetings, shall be open and noticed to the public. All three amendments were placed on the Florida personal income shall be determined by the legislature, from information available from the United States Department of Commerce or its successor on the first day of February prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. The state legislature may by statute or the state Agency for Workforce Innovation may by regulation adopt any measures appropriate for the implementation of this amendment. The claimant is entitled to 90% of all damages in excess of $250,000.00, exclusive of reasonable and customary costs and regardless of the number of defendants. Nothing in this section authorizes the use of medical marijuana by anyone other than a qualifying patient. Am. H.J.R. The legislature shall provide funding for this provision. The care, custody and method of disbursing county funds shall be provided by general law. The state board of education shall appoint the commissioner of education. Each state attorney in office on the effective date of this article shall retain the office for the remainder of the term. Municipal annexation of unincorporated territory, merger of municipalities, and exercise of extra-territorial powers by municipalities shall be as provided by general or special law. Every person has the right to inspect or copy any public record made or received in connection with the official business of any public body, officer, or employee of the state, or persons acting on their behalf, except with respect to records exempted pursuant to this section or specifically made confidential by this Constitution. 7, 2018, filed with the Secretary of State May 9, 2018; adopted 2018. Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board, Tampa Bay Times 10/7/2022. Am. By order of the governor any elected municipal officer indicted for crime may be suspended from office until acquitted and the office filled by appointment for the period of suspension, not to extend beyond the term, unless these powers are vested elsewhere by law or the municipal charter. A code of ethics for all state employees and nonjudicial officers prohibiting conflict between public duty and private interests shall be prescribed by law. Florida voters on Nov. 8. will decide whether to approve two property-tax cuts and the fate of the states Constitution Revision Commission. Heres how it will appear on the ballot: . Further succession as acting governor shall be prescribed by law. Boards authorized to grant and revoke licenses to engage in regulated occupations shall be assigned to appropriate departments and their members appointed for fixed terms, subject to removal only for cause. The state board of education shall consist of seven members appointed by the governor to staggered 4-year terms, subject to confirmation by the senate. H.J.R. No office shall be created the term of which shall exceed four years except as provided herein. proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State February 18, 2004; adopted 2004; Am. The office of judges of all other courts abolished by this article shall be abolished as of the effective date of this article. Three judges shall consider each case and the concurrence of two shall be necessary to a decision. Titles and subtitles shall not be used in construction. However, if the difference between the just value of the new homestead and the assessed value of the new homestead calculated pursuant to this sub-subparagraph is greater than $500,000, the assessed value of the new homestead shall be increased so that the difference between the just value and the assessed value equals $500,000. S.J.R. The period of time for which such exemption may be granted to a new business or expansion of an existing business shall be determined by general law. This section shall take effect six years after approval by the electors. All such bonds or motor vehicle license revenue anticipation certificates shall bear interest at not exceeding the rate provided by general law and shall mature not later than thirty years after the date of issuance thereof. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. Stand-alone bar means any place of business devoted during any time of operation predominantly or totally to serving alcoholic beverages, intoxicating beverages, or intoxicating liquors, or any combination thereof, for consumption on the licensed premises; in which the serving of food, if any, is merely incidental to the consumption of any such beverage; and that is not located within, and does not share any common entryway or common indoor area with, any other enclosed indoor workplace including any business for which the sale of food or any other product or service is more than an incidental source of gross revenue. XII of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, reads as follows: Section 16 of Art. In each judicial circuit a public defender shall be elected for a term of four years, who shall perform duties prescribed by general law. The phrase adverse medical incident means medical negligence, intentional misconduct, and any other act, neglect, or default of a health care facility or health care provider that caused or could have caused injury to or death of a patient, including, but not limited to, those incidents that are required by state or federal law to be reported to any governmental agency or body, and incidents that are reported to or reviewed by any health care facility peer review, risk management, quality assurance, credentials, or similar committee, or any representative of any such committees. Transfer of the accrued benefit from specified limitations on homestead property tax assessments; increased portability period. 2-D, 2007; adopted 2008; Am. The right of trial by jury shall be secure to all and remain inviolate. A state tax, designated second gas tax, of two cents per gallon upon gasoline and other like products of petroleum and an equivalent tax upon other sources of energy used to propel motor vehicles as levied by, No funds anticipated to be allocated under the formula stated in. This section, originally designated section 22 by Revision No. Proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State October 27, 2000; adopted 2002. 71, 1986; adopted 1986; Am. Additionally, appropriation bills passed by the legislature shall include an itemization of specific appropriations that exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in 1992 dollars. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision Nos. 5, 2018, filed with the Secretary of State May 9, 2018; adopted 2018. This amendment requires a vote by citizens initiative pursuant to Article XI, section 3, in order for casino gambling to be authorized under Florida law. Selection of members by the board of governors of the bar of Florida shall be by no less than a majority of the board. All justices of the supreme court, judges of the district courts of appeal and circuit judges in office upon the effective date of this article shall retain their offices for the remainder of their respective terms. The term felony as used herein and in the laws of this state shall mean any criminal offense that is punishable under the laws of this state, or that would be punishable if committed in this state, by death or by imprisonment in the state penitentiary. The commissions rules, or any part thereof, may be repealed by general law enacted by a majority vote of the membership of each house of the legislature, or by the supreme court, five justices concurring. Analysis of 2022 Proposed Ballot Amendments to the Florida Constitution. Nothing in this section allows for a violation of any law other than for conduct in compliance with the provisions of this section. No justice or judge shall be a member of a judicial nominating commission. In the event a special apportionment session of the legislature finally adjourns without adopting a joint resolution of apportionment, the attorney general shall, within five days, petition the supreme court of the state to make such apportionment. The Everglades Trust Fund may receive funds from any source, including gifts from individuals, corporations or other entities; funds from general revenue as determined by the Legislature; and any other funds so designated by the Legislature, by the United States Congress or by any other governmental entity.

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