what would happen if the electoral college was abolished

Article V sets up the manner by which an amendment is passed. Mr. Wegman argues that reforming the Electoral College isnt a partisan issue its a fairness issue. If, say, environmental sustainability or abortion or the Second Amendment is your dominant concern, it does not matter whether you live in Wyoming or California, Pennsylvania or Delaware. As the graph below illustrates, over the course of the 20th century the distance between the biggest state by population and the median state increased. This cant go on. They simply happen to be states that become competitive because of their demography, and which are readily identifiable as such because of the increasing sophistication of political polling. Why? Note: A previous version of this post stated that awarding 2 electoral votes per state (plus D.C.) to the national popular vote winner would form a baseline of 138 votes. Those states do get a boost from their two Senate-based electoral votes, but that benefit pales in comparison to the real culprit: statewide winner-take-all laws. He disliked the practice so much he called for a constitutional amendment barring it. Beto O'Rourke Announces His Run For President In 2020, Moderate Democrats Under Pressure As Party's Left Grabs Attention. It no longer serves the intended job. There are also circumstances where a majority of electors might not be available, which would throw the results of the election into the House of Representatives. Most Americans, by a wide margin, believe the Electoral College should be abolished. Recurring debt ceiling fights will only be solved by budget reform, Amend the Constitution so the candidate who receives the most votes wins. The following table shows how this would have changed the outcome in two contested elections of the 21st century, and how a third would have remained the same. An example of a state closely split by congressional district is Florida in 2016, where Trump won in 14 of them and Clinton won in 13. Today about 1.3% of those employed in the United States work directly in agriculture, and they manage to feed the entire country and beyond. It would only come into effect when it could guarantee that outcome. Is the Electoral College a Problem? In the Electoral College, there are 51 voting jurisdiction (states) that includes D.C. Source: Daily Kos Elections. In the interactive diagram The Battleground States Biden and Trump Need to Win 270, you are able to build your own coalition of states to see how either candidate, President Trump or former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., can win the election. A second variation would be to award two Electoral College votes from each state to the winner of the national popular vote and award the remaining electors to the winner of each congressional district (CD). Polls conducted by Gallup over the past seven decades, with the most recent being from 2013, clearly show the American public's desire to get rid of the whole system. List of the Pros of Abolishing the Electoral College 1. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Swing or battleground states are mere accidents of geography. What would happen if the Electoral College was eliminated? And so each Electoral College vote in a small state like Delaware or Wyoming is worth more than an Electoral College vote in a big state like California. Then the 2020 census will be valid for the 2024 and 2028 elections. It channels presidential politics into a two-party system, which is superior to multiparty systems where fringe factions can exercise too much leverage. 6. Electoral vote totals will equal 538. This is the result of an amazing technological revolution, but what does it have to do with the Electoral College? 3. When you know that one state will vote the same way in every election, there is no need to visit that place. The Electoral College has been the subject of debate since it was first implemented centuries ago, but when George W. Bush won the presidential election in 2000 despite Al Gore winning the popular vote, controversy surrounding the institution rose to a much more intense degree. If you submit a question as a comment on this article, we might use it during the live event. Around six-in-ten U.S. adults (63%) say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency, while 35% favor keeping the current Electoral College system, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted June 27-July 4, 2022. Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke said there is a "lot of wisdom" in the idea and Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., also said she's open to it. The only difference is that in this unique structure, the voice of the minority can actually shout down the desires of the majority. 2. Under this option, Florida would give 15 Electoral College votes to Clinton and 14 to Trump. 2) The Electoral College ensures that different parts of the country, such as Iowa and Ohio, are involved in selecting the president, rather than just the most populated areas. This is because the president is not . Instead, theyre voting for their states representatives in the Electoral College, who will then vote for the president. Although he said that the system was far from perfect, it was at least excellent. As American leadership falters, scholars say, autocrats are on the rise. There were two additional votes for Sanders that were invalidated in Minnesota and one for Kasich in Colorado. ## For the purposes here, all electoral votes in a given state were awarded to the proper winner, thus attributing faithless electors to the proper candidate. The distinction matters. Supporters of a national popular vote argue something must be done; the Electoral College disproportionately inflates the influence of rural areas while undervaluing the votes of cities. He makes the case that both Republicans and Democrats should support a change. We will focus on elections in the 20th and 21st centuries. Support for direct popular election. 2016 is on track to be the fifth election in U.S. political history in which the candidate who wins the most votes is not the one elected president -- giving rise to another round of calls to. It is true that the Electoral College no longer serves its original purposes, and that it creates a grave risk that a candidate not favored by a majority of the people will, from time to time, be elected president. If that occurs, the court might provide states additional guidance on just how much leeway they have to impact the Electoral College vote that decides the presidency of the United States. This shift would likely benefit that party for more than a generation. It is the formal body that elects the President and Vice President of the United States. In each case, the number of faithless electors who exercised that behavior would not have had a meaningful impact on the outcome. But heres the important part. Having this structure go away would encourage more third-party development. In winner-take-all states, all electoral votes cast for the state are assigned to the candidate who gets the most electoral votes. Nonetheless, it is likely the most viable alternative to the current Electoral College system. This spring, numerous candidates for president expressed support for either abolishing or changing the Electoral College, which ultimately picks the U.S. president. But the Constitution and the courts have allowed the states some leeway to make changes to how their Electoral College representatives are chosen. This is the heart of the problem with the Electoral College. hide caption. Having the states play an autonomous role in presidential elections, it is said, reinforces the division of governing authority between the nation and the states. That fall, former Vice President Richard M. Nixon defeated . It also means the road to any kind of reform is fraught with political potholes, particularly when the removal of such a system clearly benefits one party at the expense of another. That probably promotes a more national and less regional vision. Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., at an organizing event in February. "Precisely what it does is proportionately advantages where the people are," Levy said. Then in 2016, Donald Trump won the Electoral College despite receiving 2.1% less of the popular vote. Or does the Electoral College work the way its supposed to, even if the candidate who wins the most votes loses? Now, Trump feels the Electoral College is "far better for the U.S.A." as he wrote Tuesday on Twitter. While there are two different means to amend the founding document, this country has always used the same route: a 2/3rds vote in both houses of Congress, followed by the ratification of 3/4ths of the states. But swing states distort our national priorities, even when the president wins the popular vote. The general threshold that an election result must reach to trigger an automatic recount is a difference of 0.5% of the vote or less. "There's no realistic chance of a Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College," said Jacob Levy, a professor of political theory at McGill University. What Is the Electoral College? In the history of the United States, there have been five elections where the eventual winner didnt receive a clear majority of the vote. That line garnered one of her largest roars of applause for the evening. The elected officials of both parties have incentives to choose candidates with an eye toward popular electability and governing skill. This action would allow the popular vote winner to take the White House. That system worked well until the two-party system briefly died with the Federalist Party. As Madison wrote in an 1823 letter, states using the winner-take-all rule are a string of beads and fail to reflect the true political diversity of their citizens. Jesse Wegman, the author of the Opinion pieces above, is one of the guests on our Oct. 22 live panel for students. Why? This system allows minorities to have a bigger microphone for their concerns as well. Having a state-based system for electing both houses of Congress should be adequate to that task. The places where there are more people become the top priority, especially if there is a chance to swing some votes. No other mode of presidential elections would be fully consistent with our underlying commitment to the equality of all citizens. 260, February 19, 2020, p. 9, https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/report/destroying-the-electoral-college-the-anti-federalist-national-popular-0. Even if all 25 of the states that Mr. Biden won in 2020 were to ratify such an amendment, nine additional states that President Trump won would need to ratify it as well. Click the links below for answers to these frequently asked questions. The Electoral College has given one candidate a majority win in this political structure since 1992, but there have been four times when the winner of the election didnt receive a clear majority of the votes across the entire country. Hans von Spakovsky, Destroying the Electoral College: The Anti-Federalist National Popular Vote Scheme, Heritage Legal Memorandum No. If a candidate wins the popular vote in a state, even by a single vote, they get all of that states electoral votes. And the reasons people think we need to keep the Electoral College the way it is, theyre all wrong.

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