doby funeral home obituaries

The world mourns his death. Dales fuerzas desde el cielo a tus padres y hermanas! I'm keeping you close in my thoughts. Even though I don't know you or Drayke personally your story has touched my heart. An early arrival in Heaven that day, met by angels in all the way. Y DESCANSA ANGELITO. Lo siento mucho mucha fortaleza para su familia que Dios te tenga en un lugar muy especial esperando que hayas encontrado La Paz que estabas buscando Dios te bendiga Nio hermoso que seas muy feliz. My sincere condolences to the Hardman family and all lives touched by this sweet boy. It is so unbelievable and cannot be put into words. He lives in you, he lives in me. I am so sorry. y si bien es cierto que hay que predicar con el amor, espero que se haga justicia (terrenal y divina) con el abusador y/o con sus padres y con las autoridades de la escuela. As someone with sibling I can't imagine what your other children are going threw as well as you guys. #doitfordrayke. You will be missed dearly. Te envo un gran abrazo. Los siento con el alma, es increble que existan personas tan danias que nose den cuenta del sufrimiento que causan. I hope you and your family get any sort of justice in the wake of this heartbreaking tragedy. Drayke seguir siendo el mismo angelito que hora descansa en paz. Fly high, Drayke, you will always be in our hearts. He had hope in his eyes. Comparto con uds este terrible dolor y todo lo que podamos hacer para que el mundo recuerde porque muri Drayke y se esfuercen por querer cambiar y ser ms bondadosos sin dudas nos sumaremos!!!! My heart breaks for your beautiful boy. My condolences . Thank you for sharing your story, it means a lot for all those kids that are still suffering in silence. A boy so sweet with a precious smile, the time we had with him was so worthwhile. Love from Spain. Hola, soy de Per y todo lo qu pas me dej sorprendida, espero de todo corazn encuentres La Paz necesaria para poder estar tranquila, no creo que se pueda superar porque al igual que t yo tambin soy mam y entiendo tu dolor y creo que nunca se podr superar. Besos. El bullying, el silencioso enemigo de miles de nios/as No hay palabras de consuelo para los familiares de Drayke, pero an as les envo desde Chile mucha Luz, esperanza y sobre todo fuerza! Please know you are loved by many! Nadie merece sufrir, en especial nuestros nios, que son lo mas puro y sincero que tenemos. Mi corazn se encuentra herido por tu prdida pequeo tesoro, cmo el mundo puede ser tan cruel para que un ngel tan dulce decida salir de el. From Argentina. I'm a single mum to 11 and 9 year old boys. Estas cosas no deberan suceder. We love you. Se que ests en paz sin ms bullying y no ms miedos ni acoso sers Happy, un gran abrazo para ustedes y resignacin en sus corazones para sus familiares Dios lo gui a ese ngel hermoso. We are so sorry for the loss of your wonderful Drayke. I am truly heartbroken with this story. No escuches consejos dainos que minimizan tu prdida, tu dolor. But why wait for it to happen to act?? He will always be with you guys through memories, any milestone your family goes through and most importantly through the love you guys have for him. May God also help that little coward that bullied him and make this his and his family's most hard and unforgettable lesson in their entire lifes. I'm so sorry for your lost . Las palabras de consuelo podran no ser suficientes para todo corazn ruego por que tengan la fuerza necesaria para llevar este dolorsi tan solo en verdad furamos ms humanos ms empticos estas cosas no sucederan aunque el ya est descansando de toda maldad, debemos tener el compromiso moral de criar hijos menos violentos que no daen al contrario que se preocupen por los demsya basta de tanto herir cuando tenemos la capacidad de mejorar el mundo.. pequeo sin duda estars en brazos del ser ms amoroso que puede existir Nuestro Padre Celestial. Dios les bendiga ante lamentable perdida y les de fortaleza para seguir adelante, como padre de familia quede consternado ante esta noticia que simplemente nos pone en alerta ante la cultura social que ha cambiado los valores y el respeto a la vida. No words from first reading your mummy's post tears rolled hard and heavy down my face, I felt sad, devastated for you drayke and your family at your heartbreaking loss how can children be so cruel for a handsome 12 year old child to feel the only way was to take his own life, how is this possible I am a mother also I have 3 girls and 1 boy from one mother to another i pray for you heavy may you be free precious child wrapped up in gods arms he called you home to be with him you was too good for this cruel world, the good die young Your story will stay with me forever, may god wrap your mum dad sisters and all your family up in his arms give them strength and shine his light upon them rip angel drayke you have left a huge impact on the whole world you was and will be loved always Sleep peacefully and keep shining angel boy. I can only tell you that my heart hurts, a lot. Drake, you are absolutely stunning! I wish I could help with the pain I know you are feeling. I am praying for the family. I will pray for you. Mis mas sinceras condolencia, por su hijo Drayke, es muy lamentable que esto este pasando, un nio tan tierno y dulce, a sus Padres y familia, que Dios y la Virgen , le den consuelo. Love and the memories stays forever. My heartfelt condolences to your family. I admire your courage in coming forward for the world to see what effect bullying has on a tender soul. hay que parar este tipo de acoso y buscar al culpable. You know the love of your familly will be always with you. My son lost his friend bc of the same thing again I know y'all don't know me personally but if you need anything and I do mean anything at all please don't hesitate to ever contact me! No hay palabras para expresar la perdida de un hijo.y no hay cura ninguna para tanto dolor. May he Rest In Peace. When you look at the sky on a clear night, look for him in the stars, he will be the brightest. greetings from Chile . <3, Please accept condolences from myself and my two children (son Maximus age 12 & daughter Avalina age 5). Graveside service will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at Fairley Family Memorial Garden **The Baldwin Family request that all attendees wear mask for the funeral service that will be held at Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters. Me duele el corazn, mi hijo Cristbal de 18 aos sufri acoso escolar todo su paso por la escuela, y pens muchas veces quitarse la viday de parte de las autoridades de las escuelas poco y nada de atencin, para que decir los padres de los nios agresores. I am sending you all so much love and prayers. I can't imagine the pain your family has endured! Now you must be together as family more than ever, because of him. I hug you with all my love!! Imposible no conmoverse con la noticia, imposible no llorar al ver las fotos. She was predeceased by : her father Willie Doby; and her husband T. E. "Frog" Frick. I understand this so much because last year my daughter he cut off his hand because of bullying I am so sorry that the parents of those children cannot teach value to their children we are all equal I send you a big hug and my heart and my prayers are with you, To dear, sweet Drayke may your star continue to shine as bright as your smile shone, shining so bright as a reminder of what a special, loved and treasured young boy you were. . Legislation to 'disappear' the different from our language, schools & communities must not prevail! LA LUZ QUE REFLEJABA TU ROSTRO ERA TAN BRILLANTE , QUE DONDE QUIERA QUE ESTES AHORA EST ILUMINADO EL PARASO . I can't even express how lucky we are to breathe and love each and every day. The only thing I can do is to offer my condolances to beautiful Drayke's family and friends, because another innocent life has been lost in the most tragic of circumstances. Please know that by sharing your story you are helping educate children everywhere about bullying. Remember all of the wonderful years God gave you all together as you long to see him again one day. Fly high my angel #doitfordrayke, To the family, I am so sorry that this world is so evil. My middle child that's 15 now was bullied in middle school and not much was done about which makes my very upset with this system. Mr. Lonnie Baldwin departed this life on Monday, January 30, 2023. #doitfordrayke, sharing your story of loss and heartbreak has reached the world. Such a senseless waste of a beautiful young soul. Un beso al cielo para ti y un abrazo para tu familia. I suffer from depression every day of my life and have suicidal thoughts. I sincerely hope I can help spread kindness, we need it so much. I guess I just won't say anything. I'm sooooo sorry!!! Sin embargo esa luz que irradiaba su mirada se apag porque quiso guardar silencio y sufrir solo conteniendo el dolor y sacrificndose para una vez ms mostrar su bondad y as evitar el sufrimiento de los suyos, porque lamentablemente seguimos viviendo en una sociedad que es indiferente y no soluciona muchos problemas as como el bullying que lastima a los seres ms nobles de la tierra as como el pequeo Drayke Como madre he quedado conmovida y deseo que podamos construir una sociedad mejor para que una historia con este triste final no se repita nunca ms y deseo que la familia obtenga consuelo y que esta historia deje una leccin a todo el mundo para prestarle mayor atencin a nuestros pequeos a quienes debemos criar con amor y bondad, para evitar que la crueldad del mundo los invada y lastimen a los seres de luz como este pequeo ngel Vuela alto Drayke y que tu mirada se funda con el cielo azul para que pueda iluminar el camino de quienes seguimos caminando en este mundo terrenal. May your lovely and beautiful blue eyes guide your loved ones in this moment of sadness. It's not fair and won't ever be fair. AMO a los nios y nias, amo cuidarlos, trabajar con ellos y que ellos sean felices. VUELA ALTO Y SIGUE EL CAMINO DE LUZ AMADO DRAYKE. Our deepest deepest condolences. I wish I'm able to put you guys at ease with this. I hope everyone will learn from your story and it sticks with them. .. familia pido a Dios que los acompae , reconforte en este tiempo de desolacin . May the love you have for Drayke, help keep you going each day. May your soul find the peace, comfort and joy this world couldn't give you. Funeral arrangementsfor Ms. Carolyn Smith areincomplete at this time. I've never met Drayke - but I wish I had. M ms sentido psame para esta hermosa familia que en este momento est pasando por un dolor inmenso. Que descanses y encuentres la paz ngel maravilloso! Praying for you and your 'ohana. This has been on my heart since I first read it. My heart is shattered for your family. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Memory Wall. I will be praying hard for your family. Partiste de uma forma trgica deste mundo to cruel, agora s um servo de Deus, que Deus te receba de braos abertos e te d o colo que tanto precisas e que os anjos te guiem at ao paraso! Hasta siempre pequeo ngel de ojos de cielo. I am from Belgium (Europe) and the terrible story and what your little boy suffered goes around the world and hurts the mother that I am! Los abrazo a la distancia. Estas en paz pequeito. It is so hard to see any child be bullied to the point that they cannot overcome it. Your baby boy is with Jesus and he is now taking care of your loved ones straight from heaven and I'm sure he's proud of you, I'm so sorry for what happened I'm very sad is so heartbreaking that this sweet boy went though all this I hope one day y'all can find peace I'm very sorry my condolences goes to all your family rest in paradise beautiful baby boy may God have you in his side. I will take care of my future family and if I have a son, I will make sure he will be a human being. No me queda ms que enviarles todo el cario y fuerza para seguir adelante, Drayke ha tocado el corazn de muchos al rededor del mundo solo espero que los que somos padres inculquemos amor, empata y valores a nuestros hijos porque esto no puede seguir ocurriendo. Funeral service will be held on Friday December 9 2022 at 100 PM at Freedom Chapel AME Zion Church. My family and I went through a similar situation, never lower your arms. How unfair is to say goodbye. I hope all of you, Drake's family, can feel the world's hug. Imma tell his story on this side of the world and try to create conscience about bullying. Everyone needs to learn how to be kind to others. Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday April 2 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst North Carolina. I'm am so beyond sorry to hear about your loss. My heart and prayers go out to your family for this beautiful boy. Mis mas sentido pesame se que no es nada fcil y q son cosas q uno quisiera q jamas pasara lastimosamente el bullin llego en mal momento y es doloroso ser acosado asi d esa manera x personas q daan la integridad moral d otras sin darce cuenta las consecuencias son duras y dificiles solo queda haceptar recipnacion. No hay palabras de consuelo por la partida de un hijo, solo queda acompaar de manera espiritual a su familia para que en algn momento puedan encontrar paz y recordar a su bello ngel con amor. My heart and soul are sincerely aching for all of you. I lost my 22 year old son on 02/07/20 this is no journey any parents should ever have to go threw. Tu noticia lleg a todos los pases, que ahora nosotros pedimos para que desde donde quiera que ests, cuides a las personas que te amaron mucho. Siento impotencia, coraje, dolor, esto no debera suceder de qu estamos hechos los adultos para alimentar violencia en los hijos? Est terrible perdida jams debi suceder. keep Draykes memories alive!, Easier said than done, no questions why. Reciban de parte ma, mucho amor a los padres de este ngel que ya no est en este mundo. My children knows how devastating the bullying is, they have seen this at school or another place so many times, but this is happening every day everywhere. #doitfordrayke, se me arrug el corazn al ver esta notica, soy madre y da miedo pensar q nuestros hijos estn a salvo en la escuela, que aveces la crueldad de un nio llega al punto de daar la vida de otro, que Dios les d La Paz para este duro momento. a lot of strength!!!. Abrazos con el alma a tu familia . Siento tanto que tengan que pasar por este terrible sufrimiento. Located in Versailles, MO Scrivner-Morrow Funeral Home 210 E Jasper St, Versailles, MO 573-378-4676 Send flowers Obituaries of Scrivner-Page-Dady Funeral Home Calvin Waisner April 18, 2023 (83 years old) View obituary Brady Jaco April 15, 2023 (77 years old) View obituary Donald Fairchild March 31, 2023 (84 years old) View obituary Yes, a terrorist! Abrazos! My heart and thoughts are with you and Drayke. Every memory left on the online obituary will be automatically included in the book. I cried for hours & those images will be with me forever. My heart shatters with you. I only wish that his departure serves as an example so that bullying ends in all the countries of the world. Thanks for sharing your story with us To make aware that bulling is serious and can damage our children's and families . I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for your loss, may God give you and your family the strength you need through this hard times. Spread your wings and fly you kinder soul. We keep failing you and other children to such a extent that, it seems, you angels choose to sacrife by living a much shorter liefe in order to remind others of a huge elefant still to be addressed. Creo que no hay palabras que alcancen para saciar tanto dolor. I too was a victim of bullying my entire life since I was born. Thank you for sharing this with everyone. Raeford, North Carolina Nunca olvidaremos la historia de tu hijo, porque nos recuerda que los sueos jams deben ser cortados por la indiferencia. I pray for your family's grief and pray they're given the strength to get through these hard times. RIL Drayke Xxxx. He is watching over you all now, god has another angel by his side now. Tu luz en el cielo brillar por siemprelos angeles te esperan con los brazos abiertos Todo el amor para ustedes! Mucho animo familia, mucha fuerza,no s como se puede volver a vivir despus de una tragedia as, pero los veo que son una familia fuerte y muy unida. Que la vida de ningn inocente ms tenga que ser arrebatada por el bullying y el desamor de otros. Visitation will be held on Friday, April 7, 2023 from 1:00 PM Mr. Vernon McDougald departed this life on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at Firsthealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, NC. My soul is with you rigth now. But I lived to be a mom and grandma. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby boy. Take care and look after each other. It's not that hard to be kind people! Mucha luz a sus padres y hermanos para seguir adelante, Besos a Drayke donde quiera que est. Como padre me duele y lloro por la partida prematura de Drayke, pero se que sera solo momentaneo y el esta esperando a su familia para un reencuentro que sera maravilloso. Como mam me siento tan triste. Your story and legacy has spread so far and wide. Big hug and kiss to you Rest In Peace. No es fcil ser padres y familia de un ngel, un ser de Luz que nace con la nica misin de intentar que cada uno de nosotros sea un mejor ser humano. You will always be in our hearts Rest peace little heart . He is totally a sweet boy and he does not deserve to get treated like this. Me uno en oracin a Dios que les brindar paz . Esta pena, este dolor, necesitan ser expresados, sacados al exterior. Un abrazo fuerte y que Dios los bendiga!! El CIELO BRILLA, DRAYKE VIVE!! I've seen first hand how much it can affect any person especially a child that is already going through so much while dealing with the changes of becoming a young adult. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. I am a mother of two babies and What as family is going throw is horrible, specially for the mother, my sincere condolences. This is my worst nightmare as parents and it hurts me so much to read your story. Lo lamento mucho, un abrazo fuerte para los padres, las hermanas y toda la familia y amigos que tena atrs l. Your little boy now rests in peace, sorrounded in heaven by your love and the light of God. You can close your eyes and pray that he will come backor you can open your eyes and see all he has left. I know he is in heaven looking down. I am so sorry for your loss, your story broke my heart. Lastly, forgive those people that bullied your little one. I have only just heard the story of Drayke and watched his lovely service. It is so sad what happened to your little boy, a reality for many children, it is terrible that being so young they suffer this kind of things, so much pain and fear. You the best little man , you will never be forgotten. Lamentablemente un tercero te llevo a tomar esta decisin. My sincere condolences as a mother I can imagine all that you are feeling in this sad moments, lost someone so important for a mother thera are no words that express the emptiness it leaves just I really hope that God give all of you peace, my prayers are with you, nobody deserve lost a child, God bless you. He will always be with you . Que en paz descances Angelitoduele el corazn a todas las mams del mundo. I also have a quick little prayer, "god please grasp your hands around this family during this horribly hard mtime and hold them tight in their arms. May your little ngel Rest In Peace.. De verdad mis mas sentidas palabras, me duele mucho su perdida, Dios lo tenga en su santa gloria, mucha fortaleza a los padres. RIP . Let god wrap his arms around you and him and give you peace and love! Seeing this truly breaks my heart. I was really moved by your letter as I have two boys age 11 and 10 who I love with all my heart. Funeral service will held on Sunday, March 5, 2023 at 2:00 PMat Freedom East Presbyterian Church. Sus ojitos azules llenos de vida ya hoy no estn por culpa de este mal llamado BULLYING. Beautifull little angel, you didn't deserve everything that happened to you. I am so deeply sorry for your family's loss of your handsome little guy! Oh my sweet child, I can't even imagine the pain you were. Effie Dockery departed this life on Monday December 5 2022. Sending all my love and condolences to your family in this difficult time Reading Drayke's story broke my heart into a trillion pieces. Nunca comprender el hecho de que otros nios lleguen a daar tanto el corazn y la vida de otro nio/a , es muy triste desde Argentina les envio un fuerte abrazo a toda la familia , ahora un angel los cuida a cada paso . El ya es un ngel! You guys are all in my prayers. Be strong, I know you will be. Tienen un ngel en cielo que los cuida!!! I am the window artist at Scholar Academy. What a beautiful little boy. from my whnau to yours Rest In Peace forever an angel now x, No existe dolor ms grande que el de perder un hijo. His beaming smile and the joy he spread will never be forgotten.

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