planning inspectorate advice note 7

Applicants should consider carefully the timing of the screening request (including the process described below in Advance notice and GIS shapefile) alongside the preparation of the DCO application. The advice note was amended to remove the request for a tracked copy of the Draft DCO against the Model Provisions. Further advice can be found in the 'Relationship with environmental impact assessment (EIA)' section of this advice note. Applicants should avoid submitting requests with multiple and varied design and layout options. The Planning Inspectorate recommends that any non-statutory consultation is undertaken in advance of the formal process to avoid any overlap with the Planning Inspectorates statutory scoping consultation process. In addition, should a high level of uncertainty remain around key design elements of the Proposed Development this is likely to limit the Planning Inspectorates ability to agree to scope out aspects/matters to enable the refinement of the ES. Have you had regard to (a) relevant National Policy Statement(s) (NPS) and specifically any requirement stated in the NPS(s) in respect of the assessment of this aspect/matter? The Planning Inspectorate carries out certain functions related to national infrastructure planning on behalf of the Secretary of State. 9.2 The requirements of Schedule 4 of the EIA Regulations 2017 will be considered carefully by the Planning Inspectorate at the point of a DCO application to ensure that any accompanying ES is adequate and complies with the EIA Regulations. 3.10 Applicants should be aware that the purpose of the information in Insert 1, above, is to ensure that there is a properly informed screening opinion. Is there a method of avoidance or mitigation that would reduce the impact on the aspect/matter to a level where significant effects would not occur? Where this occurs, Applicants should consider submitting a new screening request to the Planning Inspectorate. Advice Note Eight has been produced in six sections and aims to take you step by step through the planning process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects: Advice Note Nine: Rochdale Envelope RepublishedJuly 2018 (version 3). Imprecise referencing with links to entire documents are usually unhelpful, and the need for clarification may cause delays in the process. Notes 2, 4, 7, 10, 13,17 and 18 have been withdrawn and are no longer used. ), Regulation 11 Notification and the Regulation 11 List. 8.1 As part of their pre-application consultation duties, Applicants are required to prepare a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC). This Advice Note explains the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process set out in the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the EIA Regulations). Is there a clear route to deliver the measures referred to above on which reliance is being placed e.g. It seeks to provide advice about the format and content of the Consultation Report. Applicants should be aware of the requirements, in certain circumstances to notify Regulation 11(1)(c) bodies. Appendix 1 - Preparing the technical index to accompany an NSIP application. If the proposed DCO site boundary comprises a number of separate discrete polygons, these should all be included within the single shape file contained in the *.zip file. (Further details of the suggested format for the transboundary screening matrix is provided in the Planning Inspectorates Advice Note 12 Transboundary Impact Consultation.) The Planning Inspectorate must take into account the information provided by Applicants, the results of any relevant EU environmental assessment reasonably available, and relevant criteria in Schedule 3 to the EIA Regulations (Regulation 9 and Schedule 3 of the EIA Regulations. This should include allowing time to consider and address comments from consultees including, if necessary, undertaking additional surveys and analysis. You can find more information on our privacy page. Advice Note Six: Preparation and submission of application documents (version 11) This advice note will assist applicants in preparing, organising and submitting applications to the Planning Inspectorate. National planning policy The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the government's planning policies, and how they are expected to be applied. Amongst the requirements is a reference to the inclusion of additional information specified in Schedule 4 where relevant to the specific characteristics of the particular development or type of development and to the environmental features likely to be significantly affected (Regulation 14(2)(f ) of the EIA Regulations 2017). 6 Regulation 11 notification. The revisions to the Checklist reflect the changes to s55 of the Planning Act 2008 brought about by the Localism Act 2011. Advice Note Ten: Habitat Regulations Assessment relevant to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Republished August 2022 (version 9). For example, Technical Advice Note 8 identifies parts of Wales for accommodating wind farms. Advice Note Three: EIA consultation and notification Republished August 2017 (version 7). What DNS applications are currently in progress? We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services. Supersedes version 5, March 2015 (PINS, 2015). Update to confirm the need for applications to include information for the purposes of Habitats Regulations Assessment. there must not be any other files within the *.zip file; it should be in the British National Grid (OSGB1936) format; multiple *.zip files or multiple .shp files within a single zip file are not compatible with the Planning Inspectorates GIS system. Regulation 10(6) of the EIA Regulations. Update to annex to reflect the limit of file size that can be sent by email. The screening opinion must include written reasons for the Planning Inspectorates decision on whether or not the Proposed Development is EIA development. 6.1 Applicants are required to provide an electronic copy of the screening/scoping request documents, this can be provided via a file sharing system (preferred), CD or other portable storage device. The reconsideration at acceptance will need to take into account any new information that is material to the screening decision. Schedule 2 development, likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of factors such as its nature, size or location. Applicants screening and scoping requests made to the Planning Inspectorate; any additional screening and scoping information requested by the Planning Inspectorate and submitted by the Applicant; the Planning Inspectorates screening opinion(s); the Planning Inspectorates scoping opinion(s) including all consultation responses received within the statutory deadline; and. EIA screening opinion (Regulation 8(1)(a)). Section 14 on data protection has been amended and a new section Copyright and intellectual property has been added. The Inspectorate has published a series of advice notes on the National Infrastructure Planning website, including Advice Note 7: Environmental Impact Assessment: Preliminary Environmental Information, Screening and Scoping (AN7). The Planning Inspectorate prefers an early indication of the intent to submit a notification/request preferably several months in advance of the actual request being made. Sign up to receive email notifications when updates are made to the Planning Inspectorates advice notes and other important web content. 1.8 Regulation 37 of the EIA Regulations sets out the circumstances where the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009 (the EIA Regulations 2009) continue to apply. a description of the physical characteristics of the whole Proposed Development; a description of the location and any sensitive areas likely to be affected; a description of the aspects of the environment likely to be significantly affected; information on the likely significant effects resulting from residues and emissions and the use of natural resources; and, details of any features of the Proposed Development and any measures envisaged to avoid or prevent what might otherwise have been a significant adverse effect on the environment.

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